Adult Ministries
Sunday School
Each Sunday at 9:45AM we have Sunday school for all age groups. We use an exciting apologetics-based Sunday School Curriculum called "Answers Bible Curriculum" provided by Answers In Genesis. All age groups in our church are going through the same track teaching on each level. We believe it's critical in our modern age that we equip our believers with a solid foundation of Genesis and the Scriptures as the basis for all truth. We believe this curriculum accomplishes this goal.
We currently have an adult class called "Proclaimers" that meets in the Auditorium, a ladies class called the "Ruth Class" that meets downstairs in the Fellowship Hall, and three different children's Sunday School classes that meet in the Education Building.
Ladies Ministry
Every year, our church prepares and presents a "Ladies Retreat" where women have the opportunity to get away to not only relax, but also experience spiritual restoration through the Lord. The part that many have enjoyed is the wonderful teaching and devotions that are brought each year. Those who walk away from this are not only fed physically, but most of all, spiritually. Our location for this event is in a beautiful retreat center located in Palestine, Texas. We know you will be blessed by attending this retreat! This retreat usually occurs during the fall season and we would love to welcome you! The ladies also enjoy getting together at other times throughout the year, including on Sunday afternoons, to fellowship and complete projects to bless others.
Spanish Bible Study
We are blessed to have a diverse group in our church and we understand the need for Spanish ministries to teach, preach and even translate Christian books. We are thankful to have qualified people in our church that are able to teach Sunday School, preach and lead Bible studies. If you would like to attend and need one of our qualified teachers who speak Spanish please let us know!
Men's Fellowship
Each quarter on a Saturday afternoon the men of our church gather together to fellowship, sing songs, and prepare and eat a special meal! The date varies from time to time. This is a great opportunity for our men to fellowship, worship the Lord, and grow closer to one another!
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Each week we meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. for Bible Study! Whether it's going through a specific topic from the Bible or going through a book of the Bible systematically, it is always a time where you leave enriched and encouraged by the teaching of God's Word from one of our teachers or pastors!
Today's Verse
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.