Youth Ministries
Here at Northwest we believe that the youth is our future! Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, they are! We know God loves the youth and He sees them as the future pillars of His churches and His worldwide ministry to reach the lost! This is the way we view our Shine Youth Ministry and we take great efforts to ensure we provide a biblical environment where our young people can thrive in encouragement through fellowship with each other and flourish in growth in Christ through Bible-centered teaching!
Youth Ministry Goals:
- Reaching the Lost: The youth ministry is not set apart from the rest of the church, but in the times our Shine group meets we want to place the emphasis with the life stage that they’re at. We want our youth to know it's critical to reach others in their same age groups with the gospel of Jesus Christ because often times they are the only ones that can reach them. We like to make sure to include our youth in all of the churches outreach ministry efforts to encourage the compassion to reach others. We are also looking into other ways we can impact the community with the gospel through schools and recreational activities.
- Encouragement through Fellowship: As stated before, our desire is to foster a loving and compassionate environment where youth can gather together and feel at home. We know this world is a dark and discouraging place, so our young people need encouragement with each other. We try to provide this with the venue (Shine Youth Room). We gather here for our Shine Sunday School, Shine Bible Studies & Fellowships! We also have a calendar filled with monthly and annual events we attend that offer fun and engaging fellowship.
- Discipleship through Christ: We believe that discipleship is critical to see the maturation of Christians in the Lord’s church. So often many come to faith in Christ but are left standing unguided and alone in their path to discipleship. Christ, when He gave the Great Commission, gave us the responsibility to “…go ye therefore, and teach” (Matt. 28:19) and guide others into spiritual maturity so that they can lead others to Christ and disciple them. This is our desire for our youth and our church.
Weekly Scheduled Meetings:
- Wednesday Youth Shine Night @7PM
- Meet @ the Shine Room
- As growth spurts hit in high school it is important to match that growth spiritually so that our young people can be strong and equipped to defend and share their faith with others. There will be free snacks and games during this meet as well!
- Youth Sunday School, Sunday @9:45AM
- Meet @ the Shine Room
- We are currently using Answers in Genesis through our Sunday School ministries in all age groups. We believe in taking our young people through foundational truths from the Scriptures that are essential in building a strong and vibrant Christ-likeness in each individual.
Today's Verse
If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.